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Useful Links

Below are a number of links that you may find useful for purchasing equipment and for general information on all aspects of archery.

The link above takes you to an useful and easy guide to archery from the history of the sport to the current rules and scoring.

This link takes you to tables showing the various types of archery rounds that can be shot both indoors and outdoors.

The link above takes you to the official rules of archery on the Archery GB website.

Archery Classifictations

When you begin archery you will be 'unclassified'. In order to achieve a classification you need to shoot one of the appropriate rounds that provides a score that you can exceed to achieve a particular class. To see the classification scores needed to achieve a particular class please click on one of the links below  based on the type of bow you are using. They show a listing of rounds and minimum scores required for each class.


The levels that can be achieved by seniors are : 3rd Class, 2nd Class, 1st Class, Bowman, Master Bowman and Grand Master Bowman.


To achieve the classification you must exceed the minimum score required for it three times. If you manage to achieve a score that is in the next higher up classification then that counts for both the next class and the one that you are attempting to achieve.


If you wish to achieve Master Bowman, Grand Master Bowman and Junior Master Bowman then you will need to obtain these scores at Open competitions and not local club shoots.


The bad news is that each year you need to shoot three new scores again in order to retain your classification or exceed it.

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These are the scores you will need to obtain classifications with a recurve bow.

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